Breastfeeding - The Journey is Yours
We can all agree that despite the debates about breastfeeding, the connection that binds all of us is the love we have for our babies. So we are here to tell you: the journey is yours! Breastfeeding may be the easiest, most natural act for some and for others it may be the most excruciatingly difficult and impossible endeavor. Every mama’s nursing mileage will vary and not one journey will be the same. This is why the journey is YOURS and you have endless support out there for wherever your journey takes you!
Breastfeeding has been around as long as there have been babies but over time mothers have gained options for their motherhood routes. With each new time period, breastfeeding experiences different waves of popularity. It’s only been the past century however where our society, as a whole, seems to be embracing the many benefits of breastfeeding to both mother and baby.
And there are many wonderful benefits of breastfeeding:
- Breast milk shares antibodies that protect babies from illness. These antibodies help babies develop a strong immune system. Some consider breast milk “liquid gold” for the value it brings to your baby.
- Skin to skin contact with your baby is a great way to bond, form early attachment, and provide comfort to your baby. The practice of breastfeeding is intimate and can be a wonderful way to grow and become closer together.
- Breastfeeding can reduce the mother’s risk of breast or ovarian cancer, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure. That’s right. So not only can it be a good thing for the baby’s health, but for the mother’s health as well.
- Breastfeeding can reduce the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Research has shown that breastfeeding cuts the risk of SIDS in half for babies who are breastfed for at least 4-6 months.
The tools and support services women have today to help guide them along their journey of motherhood is both endless and beautiful. We love that women can feel more empowered in today’s world to make the decision that is best for them on how they want to feed their baby. It’s a personal one but not something that any woman has to experience alone. And as an added bonus, there are so many innovative products to help you and your baby along the way in an effort to make things easier and more comfortable.
We gathered a few breastfeeding essentials for you below!
Soothe and nourish dry and cracked skin with luxurious balms made of naturally derived ingredients
No matter how a mother decides to feed her baby, fed is always best. No matter how many hours you nurse, or gallons of milk you make or don’t, or hours you spend mixing bottles, or months you spend breastfeeding, or the time you spend pumping, or dancing between all of it, as a mother all the ways we feed our babies is best.
Deciding whether breastfeeding is the right fit for you and your baby is one only you can make. Just know that each sacred moment you spend looking down at your baby during feeding will weave a tapestry of deep love and connection on your journey together.