How to Spring Clean Your Wardrobe
A new season calls for a new wardrobe and many of us have wish lists to fulfill. Time to store away those cozy knits and make room for airy spring silhouettes by decluttering your closet. Though this annual task can be both tedious and tiresome, the payoff is considerably satisfying. Here are some tips to help you get organized!
Dump everything – yes, everything – out.
Wait, we can explain! The purpose of dumping out the contents of your closet and drawers is to reinforce the spring cleaning process. You’ll be forced (in a way) to go through with the whole task. Once you experience a moment of realization of how much stuff you have, you’ll commit to getting everything organized how they should be.
Take the opportunity as it comes.
Did you know that tidying can be compared to meditation? Essentially, it’s a ritual meant to cleanse your environment. If you want to get the most out of it, put your heart into it! What we really mean is that you should use spring cleaning as an opportunity to declutter your closet and your mind. Relax and reflect – it’s good for the heart and soul.
Go through your clothes by category.
For starters, sort out your garments. Put all your shirts, bottoms, shoes, handbags, and everything else in their own pile before going from there. This way, you can use each pile to benchmark your progress.
Divide and conquer.
You’ll want to assign categories to those categories. Have three distinct stockpiles to determine if the garment is worth being stashed, saved, or tossed. And if you have to fight an internal battle with yourself over whether or not you’ll ever wear it again, it’s probably a toss.
Follow the “One Year Rule.”
Avoid the guilt of hoarding under false pretenses. Ask yourself this question: if you haven’t worn it in a year, what makes you think you’re going to wear it now? If the garment has still got its tags still on it, doesn’t fit or flatter your body how you would like, or if you can’t think of more than a couple ways to style it, it might be time to move on. Probably the only exception to this rule would be formal wear.
Let go!
Once you’ve got your “toss” pile finalized, you can pick which garments should be donated, sold, or thrown away. Use brand and condition of the item as determining factors.
Image via Medium